Everything starts with you
Whatever the impact is that you want to have in your life, I think there are four key elements to being able to do it sustainably, and it’s all about connection to:
- Your worth. You’ve got to believe in how awesome you are.
- Your mind. Your thinking creates your lived experience. Simples.
- Your body. It’s the vessel for your magic to get out in the world, after all.
- Others. Collaboration is a beautiful, powerful thing.
However you work with me, we’ll be focusing on at least one, if not all, of these areas.
Working in HR can be like walking through treacle in flip flops.
Some days, you’re buzzing. You just know you’re making a positive impact and you feel like other people feel it too. Other days, you wonder wtf you’re doing with your life and why you give so much of yourself to a job that no one seems to appreciate.
I get it. I’ve been there and spent far too long in that cycle, if I’m honest.
HR is the kind of profession where you give a lot of yourself because inherently we care, don’t we. We care about getting good outcomes for people and we take pride in being able to be there for them when they need us the most. At the same time we also want to be respected and valued by the business, but often it feels like what we want from our role conflicts with what they want from us.
This conflict can start to eat away at our confidence, making us question whether we’re enough, if we know enough, if we do enough; if we should really even be in HR after all. Maybe we’d be better off taking a step backwards or change professions altogether? It makes us give too much of ourselves to our work and to other people, but it’s hard to see the wood for the trees and even contemplate how it could really be different when we’re stuck in the ‘doing’ of our role.
Everywhere you look there are different views on who you “should” be and what you “must” do, but you can’t help wondering when you’re going to get to be who you want to be without trying to live up to so many expectations.
Take the first step
I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to compromise or change anything about who you are to have the impact you want. In fact you – being amazingly you – are exactly what the world needs right now.
Freedom to be yourself. Confidence to set boundaries around what’s important to you. Feeling seen, heard and valued for who you really are.
It’s all possible. You’ve just got to take the first step.
The time spent with Emma has grounded my thoughts, and given me back the headspace to breathe and ‘focus on me’. From a work perspective – I know now how to ‘do leadership’ in my own style, but I also have the drive to focus on what I really want out of life without fear. – Alice
Intrigued? Good!
I want you to reconnect with what makes you so brilliant and start playing to your strengths instead of dismissing them. I want you to have absolute confidence in your abilities instead of second guessing yourself or believing that other people know more than you. I want you to be fully expressed even when it feels like no one’s listening instead of getting frustrated and demotivated. I want you to recognise how so very important it is for you to invest in and support yourself in the same way you invest in and support other people.
Because you showing up authentically, confidently and purposefully isn’t just good for you, it’s good for other people too.
Let’s imagine for a moment.
What else would you be doing with your time if you could powerfully set boundaries around your work so that you didn’t keep getting dragged into the stuff no one else seems prepared to do? What would it be like to let go of all the things you ‘need’ to do and focus on what you want to do instead? If you could comfortably prioritise what’s important to you, without feeling guilty?
Imagine how your life would be different if you believed in yourself so much (without any of that icky, bolshy arrogance stuff) that other people’s opinion of you became irrelevant? Where your self-belief is so grounded that you’re not spending your energy trying to prove anything to anyone because frankly, the only person you need to impress is yourself?
Or how it would feel to say whatever you’re thinking without beating yourself up for it or imagining someone else would’ve said it better afterwards? To express yourself in the moment, regardless of any emotion attached to it, speaking from a place of power and control not frustration and overwhelm?
How useful would your own toolkit of resources that you could draw on in the future be? So that whatever happens, you can take what you’ve learned and stop the unhelpful habits once and for all.
No guilt trip. No internal back chat. No failure.
Just you. Being 100% the awesome you that the people that love you see.
I enjoyed the entire process with you. It takes a certain type of person to get others to feel comfortable and ease them into talking about themselves. You made that easy to do. Your approach was gentle yet informative and I learned a lot about myself and what I can be doing to improve myself overall. – Krista
Coaching opportunities
Unleash Your Awesome
Over 12, one hour sessions, we’ll take a deep dive into some of the thinking behind any blockers to you achieving your full potential and try out different ways to keep it in check, arming you with your own personal toolkit that’ll have you thinking and feeling differently by week four. Come week eight you’ll have forgotten what the issue was in the first place and we’ll spend the next four fortnightly sessions racking up and celebrating a succession of wins that’ll reinforce just how far you’ve come – and, yep, you’ve guessed it – just how awesome you are too.
By the end of our time together, you’ll worry less about what people think of you and express yourself more freely. You’ll be purposefully pursuing whatever it is that makes you happy, and kicking to the kerb anything that doesn’t. My goal is to get you making the impact you want to in the world without compromising who you are or what’s important to you in the process. Much like the Disney princesses don’t need rescuing these days, you already have everything you need, I just help tease it out, bring it front and centre, and celebrate it wholeheartedly.
Investment: £1,700
This is a laser focused, three hour immersion designed to give you a kick start on your journey to unstoppable. We’ll explore an area of your choice to understand more about it by getting to know your underlying drivers and beliefs, using powerful techniques to let go of anything getting in your way. You’ll leave with actionable steps to implement what we discover as a result of our time together, along with the tools you need to make it happen.
Investment: £495
Best next steps
What’s the one thing right now that’s a recurring frustration, that you keep coming back to and can’t seem to move on from? Remember me talking about how hard it is to see the wood for the trees when you’re ‘in the doing’? Well this 90 minutes is all about creating some space to get your head straight. It’s your opportunity to offload to me about everything that’s been causing your current state of stuck, and get some actionable steps to move forward.
Investment: £150
I was able to gain insight into traits that I may not normally favour and that I found could be beneficial in my professional growth. These were areas I didn’t think about often and definitely needed some attention. It was really nice to get a different perspective on ways to work and fun to take time to look inward and reflect on strengths and weaknesses in a way that is not normally done. Emma was so approachable and down to earth. She was confident but comfortable and relatable. If you’re not sure about working with Emma is for you, I would say go for it! – Alison
Are you ready? Let’s make a start then lovely!
Not quite sure?
That makes sense. ‘HR’ is always last on the list when it comes to development right? But beneath the job title there’s you. And are you happy to accept that for yourself? Imagine what it would be like if you could:
Prevent your personal life being impacted by the demands of your role
Stop procrastinating on whether HR is for you anymore, and take action towards whatever you decide
Work in a way that’s respectful of your energy so that you have time for the things you love to do, not just what you think you should do
Deal with conflict powerfully without making it mean something about you
Reconnect with what’s driving you at the core of your being, and align yourself to this in what you do every single day
Access the tools to feel replenished and energised so that no matter what happens you stay secure and grounded in your value, your contribution and your impact
Time for some real talk. All the technical courses in the world won’t get you the recognition or respect you deserve. All the hours you work won’t impact on how people perceive you. There will never be enough hours in the day to do all the things you could do. Investing in you is not selfish and it’s OK to admit that you want things to be different for yourself.