Like to try before you buy?
Course you do! Jump right in and get on your way to unstoppable.

Guide to saying what you really think
One of the key things I’ve worked on in my pursuit of unstoppable is being able to express myself fully instead of:Assuming someone else knows better than me.
Believing my point must be stupid because no one else is saying it.
Putting my fear of upsetting someone (which, let’s face it, is really a fear of not being liked) above my own happiness.
AKA, not saying what I really think.
You are invited to join me in fully expressing what’s really on your mind – gracefully, easily and without expectation.

The not good enough fallacy
This voice inside our heads telling us we don’t measure up, that we’re not good enough, that we need to work harder, to learn more, to be more, it’s just one version of the truth.
And it’s one that we don’t have to listen to. We can choose something different for ourselves.
Whatever job you do, whoever you’re serving, how you feel about yourself shows up in your interactions with other people. You showing up as your best you has good implications for the people around you.
It’s time to shift those feelings of ‘not good enough’ and see them for what they are. A fallacy.

Putting yourself first for once
Don’t we just wear ‘busy’ like a badge of honour? It’s almost as if we concede to needing a rest that we’re somehow not good enough, that if we lean into the fact that we’re human it will go against us.
The denial of our vulnerability is what makes us most vulnerable.
I know you know really that you’ve got to start taking more care of yourself, but when there is so much to do how are you meant to find the time?
I have just what you need.

Looking for a bit more?
Well, I can’t leave you hanging now can I! How about a lovely dose of Rebellious Self-Acceptance to bring together all the elements of my Sustainable Unstoppability Model?
Take a look at the Rebellious Self-Acceptance Playbook for my five step process to REBEL.
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